
the branch of fuse-boards

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This has always been
one of our main strengths.
We design, build and manage
the core which guarantees
the efficiency of any system.
It is not only a complex set of
devices that govern, protect,
measure and control
every function: it is also the
most delicate and strategic
device to manage the industrial
data. For this reason, we place
the utmost care and
responsibility into every stage,
deploying a highly qualified
staff with proven experience.
Our fuse-boards are
custom-designed complying with
the strictest quality regulations
and standards. Our global
service-based implementations
enable the end user to control
and manage a wide range of
industrial systems with
maximum reliability in different
production and service sectors.

bcbBCB Electric  S.r.l.
soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da BM Impianti Srl - P.IVA 01440380416

Via 1°Maggio, 5 60010 Barbara (AN)-Italy  P.IVA/C.F.:00398450429 Tel. +39 071 965407  info@bcbteam.com - Cookie Policy

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