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Growing safely
in any environment.
A permanent information
network allows you to choose
and integrate innovative
solutions with maximum
efficiency. The primary goal
of every system is to protect
the individual, the environment,
the processes and the product.
We provide expertise and
cutting-edge technology in
compliance with laws and
regulations in force and with
the strictest certification
procedures. We design and
implement complex intrusion
prevention systems,
video surveillance systems,
access point management
and environmental safety
survey systems using the
global service formula,
providing a complete
and integrated service for
the task, the company and
the indoor and outdoor
home areas.
Expertise and service,
so you can feel good
about your safety.
BCB Electric S.r.l.
soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da BM Impianti Srl - P.IVA 01440380416
Via 1°Maggio, 5 60010 Barbara (AN)-Italy P.IVA/C.F.:00398450429 Tel. +39 071 965407 - Cookie Policy