
the branch of research

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BCB has a branched
structure in various areas
of expertise. Upon specific
customer request, BCB can
lead custom outsourcing
programs through automation,
i.e. outsourcing specific phases
of the production process,
thus leading the company to
adopt the best solution.
The company performs studies
and experiments on ideas and
projects applied to technological
automation, computer networks
and data transmission
communication systems.
The experience we have gained
in designing and implementing
advanced electronics has allowed
us to develop technical expertise
that we can use to tackle the
most diverse issues with
highly effective and
efficient applications.

bcbBCB Electric  S.r.l.
soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da BM Impianti Srl - P.IVA 01440380416

Via 1°Maggio, 5 60010 Barbara (AN)-Italy  P.IVA/C.F.:00398450429 Tel. +39 071 965407  info@bcbteam.com - Cookie Policy

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