Electrical Systems
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These are our roots,
our long-lasting expertise,
the legacy we cannot live without.
To design, build and certify
an industrial plant you need
a set of increasingly specialized
and technological activities.
You require extensive industrial
and regulatory knowledge,
in compliance with strict
certification standards.
We can rely on a strong system
of highly professional skills,
constantly evolving and updating.
Our system has been built with
an acknowledged combination
of reliability, efficiency,
energy saving and focus
on the best working conditions:
an organized system grounded
in the global service formula
to be as unique and
timely as possible.
BCB Electric S.r.l.
soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da BM Impianti Srl - P.IVA 01440380416
Via 1°Maggio, 5 60010 Barbara (AN)-Italy P.IVA/C.F.:00398450429 Tel. +39 071 965407 info@bcbteam.com - Cookie Policy