
the branch of telecommunications

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A dense and vital
communication network
is the heart of every
production process.
Every efficient organization
is based on the proper
transmission of internal
and external signs and signals.
You must deploy advanced
and reliable communication
strategies to achieve
an excellent result.
We design and set up
telephone exchanges,
video communication/
radio relay systems,
optical fiber /structured cabling,
VOIP systems, prior to a careful
analysis of customer's requirements
and an accurate selection
of the most suitable project tools.

bcbBCB Electric  S.r.l.
soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da BM Impianti Srl - P.IVA 01440380416

Via 1°Maggio, 5 60010 Barbara (AN)-Italy  P.IVA/C.F.:00398450429 Tel. +39 071 965407 - Cookie Policy

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